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Selectmen's Minutes September 26, 1995
                              Selectmen's Meeting
                       September 26, 1995 Minutes

Present: Catherine Kuchinski, acting Chair; Peter Jones, acting Clerk; Charles Flynn and Judith Murdoch; Also: Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.  Meeting called to order at 7:40pm.

I. 7:40pm - Assignment of Articles for Town Meeting: Presentation of articles proposed by the Board of Selectmen will be made as follows: Article One - Kuchinski; Article 3 - Jones; Article 5 - Flynn; Article 6 - Murdoch and Article 16 - Haggerty.

II. Congratulations: Acting Chair Kuchinski took the opportunity to lead a round of applause for Lila Coyle's successful directing of the 175th Anniversary Parade held this past Sunday, September 24, 1995.

III. Meeting with Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Building Inspector.  All five elected members of the Planning Board, Town Planner with secretary present.  Spera and Coyle with administrative assistant present. Building Inspector present.  Purpose of this third planning meeting was to open dialogue with these Boards in order to generate ideas and discussions.  Kuchinski requested Nugent give a short summary of the
two previous sessions.  

The discussion that took place tonight included: potential rezoning under review by the revitalized Zoning By-law Committee (ZBC).  This Committee has begun its work and is in the process of gathering pertinent information on Routes 27 and 58 for discussion at their next meeting (October 18); use of
industrial park land and type of business that are located there - Jones raised issue of 15% footprint and asked the Zoning By-law Committee to look at this issue.

Lindquist raised issue of Master Plan mandated by the State to update. Should we have a consultant to do the work as the Town did for The Thompson Report from the 1950s.  Lindquist brought up the issue of affordable housing which could also be addressed by the Master Plan.  A Master Plan consists of both outside experts as well as community input and consensus building.  Master Plan consists of 5 pieces: Land Use plan, Transportation plans of pavement and drainage, community facilities / capital improvements; financial plans - what are the numbers; housing plans - how many lots?

Roadway improvement and sidewalk for all new developments presently negotiated by the Planning Board.  For the rest of the Town can new developments be reviewed such as in an "impact fee" on existing services (schools, fire, police, highway, etc).  Board Members mentioned talking to Highway Surveyor about use of the 214K under Chapter 85 and researching if some of it could be used for design and / or sidewalks and or drainage.  Also, should discuss with Highway Surveyor about assistance available from the OCPC so that the Town's design plans will be funded.

Goal of the ZBC is to present zoning changes to the October 1996 Town Meeting.  Selectmen to meet with these Boards again January 30, 1996 and again in the Spring and Summer.  Nugent asked each Board to forward one or two concrete ideas to Selectmen to work on over the next year.  Kuchinski asked for an idea of time allotted on Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeal agendas for this type of discussion and planning.

IV. Planning Board Concerns about MBTA and the Train Project: Lindquist requested support of the Selectmen for obtaining better control of the MBTA's plans and activities in South Hanson.  Lack of communication from MBTA to Danner and the Planning Board.  Concerns that the Town has had from the beginning has been sidewalks down Route 27 to High Street, some trees and plantings in barriers in the MBTA parking lot, not being able to see finished plans for the station at the promised intervals, and consistent concern over environmental issues.  Motion 9/26/95.1: move to invite appropriate MBTA officials as well as Representative and Senator to the October 17, 1995 Selectmen meeting at 8PM to discuss progress of Hanson MBTA activity.  Motion made by Jones with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 5-0.  Also, Jones asked for a list of current issues from the Town
Boards prior to the Meeting so that the Town could speak from a united front.

V. Adjournment: at 10:05pm,  Motion 9/26/95.2: move to adjourn.  Motion made by Jones with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.